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About the Blog

Rocky Mountains

During the time pandemic, I revisited my childhood roots and spent a day in the woods. It had been more than a decade since I moved to New York City and the last time I went on a hike.

In that time, I had immersed myself in the city life but had always felt something was missing. Come 2020, with the lockdowns and desolation of social life, I returned to the Hudson Valley with fresh lenses. 

Suddenly, I could see everything so much clearer it was like I had to leave in order to really appreciate the natural beauty of what I had grown up in.

 I became addicted to the various trails, the exercise I got from hiking and the vast diversity of nature. I was overjoyed when I saw the various species of animals and fauna. It became an adventure every time I went out, and I began to feel like my younger self. 

Then the lockdowns ended. Back to the daily grind. Would I revert back to a life of four walls? I decided that I would not return to my previous state of separation from nature. And so, I started a blog that would not only keep me on the trails but also spread the joys and wonders I see every time I go out on a hike. 

I want someone reading my blog to be able to envision the trail and to also learn about the history of the land, people, and biodiversity. I hope I can accomplish this task and I hope that you enjoy my blog. And maybe you not only learn about the trails but also about their tales.


JD Hikes