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American Toad – Species Spotlight # 9

American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus) are a common species of toad found in eastern United States and Canada. The American Toad is sometimes called the “Hop Toad.” These creatures can survive fragmented habitats and have been known to be one of the first species to reestablish after a fire or human caused disturbance such as clear cutting of a forest. Major predators of the American Toad consist of garter snakes, eastern hognose snakes, some waterfowls, raccoons, and opossums.

American Toad on the Gorge Trail to Fenton Lake. Near Lee, MA.
American Toad on the Gorge Trail to Fenton Lake. Near Lee, MA.

American Toad Appearance:

The American Toad is usually between 2 to 4.5 inches. The toad can have a solid color or have a pattern. The color ranges from reddish- brown, light brown, and forest green. The under belly is lighter in color closer to a cream or whitish – yellow with black spots. The body of the toad is covered in warts giving it a textured look.  Male toads are usually smaller than female toads.

Close up of an American Toad on the Gorge Trail near Lee, MA.
Close up of an American Toad on the Gorge Trail near Lee, MA.

American Toad Diet:

The American Toad uses its tongue to catch its prey. Their diet consists of insects but have also been known to consume spiders, earthworms, and slugs. Usually, they feed at night especially where ground lights attract insects such as in a garden or near a house. They may also hunt during the late afternoon. 


I saw this American Toad while visiting the Berkshires. I was beginning a hike on the Gorge Trail near Lee, MA. The slope up was gradual and rocky with tons of leaves that littered the forest floor. As I was climbing the hill, I noticed movement on the ground. Upon further inspection, I could see a small amphibian hop in front of me. I used my Seek app to take a photo and discern that it was an American Toad. Further up this hike, just about a mile from the start, I paused again when I heard a rat- a- tat- tat of a Woodpecker in a tree above. 

Species Spotlight:

Common nameAmerican Toad
SpeciesAnaxyrus americanus
Location SpottedGorge Trail, Lee, Berkshire County, Massachusetts
Date SpottedMay 28th, 2023
Sighting and Trail RemarksWhile hiking along the Gorge Trail, near Lee, MA, I came across an American Toad. The toad hopped along the forest floor almost completely camouflaged by the leaves that littered the ground. 

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