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Porcupine: Species Spotlight Issue #2

Did you know that Porcupines existed in the northeastern United States? I sure didn’t. That was why when I hiked in Minnewaska at the beginning of the winter in 2022, I was shocked to come across these little balls of spikes curled up on the side of the trail.

What are Porcupines?

The North American Porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) are part of the rodent order meaning they are relatives, albeit at a very distant level, to beavers, capybara, and yes rats. There are usually two groups which are the old world, the old world being from the Hystricidae family and the new world from the Erethizontidae family. The old-world porcupines are located in Europe, Africa, Asia and the new world porcupines are located in the Americas. 

North American Porcupine resting in pile of leaves on side of Lake Minnewaska Trail.

The North American Porcupine:

The North American Porcupine is a subgroup of the New World Porcupines. The South American Porcupine begins its range from Mexico and down toward the eastern side of South America in Brazil, Venezuela, Paraguay, Trinidad, Guiana, and Parts of Argentina. The North American Porcupine begins in the northern part of Mexico up through Canada on the Western half of the United States and to the Northeast in the New England territories. 

North American Porcupine Appearance:

The North American Porcupine is usually about 2 to 3 feet and around 20 pounds. But they could go into the 30-pound range as well. They have stubby legs and a tail about 8 to 10 inches long. Their main feature is their spiky quills which contrary to popular belief do not shoot out but are easily detached and will stick into the unlucky animal or person who comes into contact with them. Unfortunately, this could be a curious pet. 

North American Porcupine on side of Lake Minnewaska Trail.

North American Porcupine Diet:

North American Porcupines are herbivores and eat such things as tree bark, evergreen needles, nuts and berries. They can end up feasting on a single tree and cause that unfortunate plant to die as a result.


I saw this porcupine on a trail around Lake Minnewaska in upstate New York, which is about 30 minutes away from the Black Creek Preserve Trail in Esopus, NY and a little over 90 minutes from New York City. 

During my hike, I spotted about 3 porcupines. Two were nestled on the side of the trail and one was in a tree. Since they are predominantly nocturnal animals I was shocked to find them picking a spot to sleep so close to where humans trod. But perhaps the winter made the trails less trafficked and the porcupines more brazen. 

North American Porcupine nestled in tree.

Species Spotlight:

Common nameNorth American Porcupine
SpeciesErethizon dorsatum
Location SpottedLake Minnewaska, Gardiner, Ulster County, New York
Date SpottedNovember 15th, 2022
Sighting and Trail RemarksLake Minnewaska was very empty, 5 other people were seen on the trails. The trail was clean but the rocks, and some vegetation were covered in ice. The porcupines were nestled along the trail and in a tree by the visitor center. 

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